Saturday, June 9, 2012

Miss us?

So it has been quite a while since I've posted. Like 2 years-ish. We celebrated our third anniversary not that long ago. And that meant more baseball for us.

It all started on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. We traveled all the way to Syracuse, NY to watch the Syracuse (Sky)Chiefs with my parents.

I say (Sky)Chiefs because the website still says "SkyChiefs" but everything at the stadium, including the PA announcer, called them the "Chiefs." There was even a conductor mascot that had a baseball for a head.

Since the Chiefs are affiliated with the Washington Nationals, and the Nats were on a road trip, the famous racing presidents were at the stadium for our entertainment. They wandered the stadium for most of the game. When they did race, of course, Teddy lost. I almost feel bad for Teddy. (Thomas Jefferson was the winner.)

Alliance Bank Stadium was beautiful. I had been there before thanks to my younger sister's involvement in marching band growing up. Justin had never been. We sat behind home plate, about 7 rows up. The seats were fantastic. This was our view.

What was really awesome about this ballpark, was that there was a concession stand that served local favorites. I got to get salt potatoes at a baseball game. It was the first time I had them in a long time. And the first time Justin had them ever. He found them nothing really special. They tasted like childhood summer to me.

They also had an all-you-can-eat section. For $16, you could get unlimited hot dogs, hamburgs, peanuts, sodas, etc. The only catch was you had to eat them in the roped off area in the left field stands. The drinks you could wander out of the area with. And, if you're my dad, you could wander off with peanuts in your hat to share with your folks back at their seats.

All-in-all it was a good experience, even though the Chiefs lost the game. And the intent for our trip was to see the phenom Bryce Harper up close before he got called up. We ended up a bit late, but we didn't let that spoil the fun of a baseball game.