Monday, May 31, 2010

Game Postponed...not that we would have made it anyhow

So, the Mudhens game was supposed to start at 5 p.m. There was no way we would have made it there in time, so we made a few other stops along the way. And it turns out the game was postponed due to rain (the only AAA postponement of the day!). Which made perfect sense to us since we hit 3 thunderstorms on the way to the hotel.

One of our stops was our first ever meal at White Castle. And this White Castle was awesome because it was paired with Church's Chicken. Which I am guessing is the Ohio version of a Taco Hut. We got to try fried okra. It was very tasty. Neither of us had ever even had okra before. But if you fry it, I will try it. So we at the okra which the cashier recommended to us. Burgers were pretty good. Fries had been waiting too long to be eaten, but being hungry, we ate them anyhow.

I found it amusing that the bottoms of the burger and fry boxes had interesting little tidbits. Like cheese makes hamburgers taste better but doesn't make a good coaster for a cup of coffee. And you can warm your buns with these, which can actually be purchased. Kinda frightening.

Since there is no game to tell you about from today, I will tell you about the first game we ever went to together. It was a Los Angeles Dodgers vs New York Mets game. My two favorite teams. I honestly don't remember who won. I do recall that we were there at least 2 hours before the gates even opened because I was so excited to get to the game. I had an amazing time. It is one of the best gifts Justin has ever given me (also the first given to me while we were dating). Come to think of it, most of the best gifts involve baseball or softball. Not all that surprising actually.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

As many of you know, Justin and I are big baseball fans. He loves the Red Sox and I love/hate the New York Mets. But both of us will watch any team live and love going to different ballparks. Thus, I suggested a ballpark tour for a honeymoon. And Justin immediately said yes and felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

So, on Monday (tomorrow) we set off bright and early (ugh) to Toledo, Ohio to hopefully catch a Mudhens game (Mudhens vs. Lehigh Valley Ironbirds). I say hopefully because the game is at 5 p.m. and it is an 11 hour drive on a normal day. And we are traveling on Memorial Day. And we have to go through NYC. I hope we can make it. If we do, you will see a post tomorrow night about the game and stadium. If not, you will see a post about how awful the traffic was and perhaps a story or two about Justin and I and the other ballparks we have visited.

Thanks to the beauty of free wireless internet in hotels, we will be able to post every day. Can't wait to share this trip with all of you.

And one last thing before I go tonight. The photo I am sharing shows my nails all done up from the vow renewal ceremony yesterday. I had baseballs put on my ring fingers and kept them hidden from Justin. Then when he put on the ring and saw it, he gave a really big smile. It was wonderful. My nail people did a great job.