Friday, June 4, 2010

The game in Kansas City

Sorry this post is so late. The hotel did not have internet last night. And we were very tired anyhow. The game was pretty good, even though the home team lost. The seats were amazing. Unfortunately, it was very very hot. And the seats were in the sun. We ended up spending some time walking around the park, just to be out of the hot sun. On our journey around the park (and we were able to walk all the way around the park), we discovered some interesting things.

There is also a chance we were on DiamondVision, but since we were on the outfield concourse, we will never know if we really were on DaimondVision. I can say there was a camera pointed at us. We were walking by and noticed that they appeared to be setting up for some kind of eating contest. There were Royals girls there (I don't know what they call them in Kansas City, I know in St. Louis they were "Team Fredbird"). One of them, Lauren, asked us if we would stay and cheer so that she would have a crowd. They should put her out on the road in front of the stadium to ask people to come and cheer so she has a crowd. Attendance at games would increase. So we stayed and rooted for #1 to win the ice cream eating contest. By the time the half inning ended, it was more like an ice cream drinking contest and two rounds of whip cream had melted on their servings already. For the record, #3 won. But we cheered, just like Lauren asked us to. It was fun.

We also encountered this statue on our way around the outfield (before the camera battery died thankfully). I found it very interesting. Lady Liberty was a Royals fan. Who knew. Too bad she can't make it to a game. Her presence would make the stadium seem more full for sure.

It was at this game that we had the best seat neighbors. Before the game started, I was taking photos of the field. One of the men in the group of three (2 men, 1 woman) asked if we would like a picture taken. I said yes and he took a great photo (as you can see). I returned the favor for them. When we got back from our about 2 inning jaunt around the park, our friends were still there. The lady had put her purse on what was my seat. Since there was no one else in the row, this was no problem. I told her so. She then offered to share the seat so I could have my purse off the ground. I was glad to accept the offer. The ground was looking a little sketchy and in front of my former seat there was a puddle that had formed from the condensation dripping off of the souvenir cup in the cup holder. So, if you are reading this lady in the green shirt, thank you. I am glad we had you three as our neighbors. Even if we weren't in the seats all that much.

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