Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rainy in St Louis, but AFTER the game

Right now, there is a raging thunderstorm going on. I am in the basement, hiding and pretending it is not happening. We are staying with friends, so thankfully there is a basement or you wouldn't be getting a post until tomorrow night. As it is, I left the camera in the car, and there is no way I am going back to get it. So photos tomorrow.

I will admit that I was wearing a Cardinals hat to this game. I had Justin stop at a Lids in a mall before the game to get a new hat. Not that the hat that I brought was not good. I love it. I just hate people thinking it is a Boston hat, or that wearing a Brooklyn hat means that I am a Yankee fan. So I got a new Mets hat (mine got shrunk in the dryer) and a Cardinals hat. The Cards hat has Fredbird, the mascot, on it instead of the STL logo. I enjoy it. I got a Cardinals hat for a very good reason. I am a baseball fan. First and foremost, I am a Mets fan. I do have other favorite teams. They are, in order, Dodgers, Cardinals and Red Sox. I have gotten hats in that order (though no Red Sox yet). So I wore the Cards hat to the Cards game. Made perfect sense to blend in there.

The Cardinals game was great. Since it was on ESPN, I don't need to tell you how it ended, other than to say Cards won. I was shocked with the number of hit batsmen. I was totally prepared to see a brawl. Instead, I saw a security guard tackle an idiot who ran onto the field. Which was pretty cool. Darn good tackle. Kid evaded 2 security guards before the third threw him to the ground. Stupid kid. Awesome security guard.

Tonight we were sitting field level in right field. The seats were really sweet. One of the fringe benefits of sitting in "good" seats was that there were few stupid fans or pink hatters. There was one pink hatter who was sitting in our row and being pink hat-ish but doing it in a way that didn't really bother those around her. She was listening to her iPod and playing games on it and playing with her cell phone. That I am totally cool with. Do what you want to do as a pink hat as long as it doesn't bother me.

And the award for the smartest fan goes to the guy who was sitting behind me. He said Mike Piazza was the greatest catcher of all time. :-)

Also St. Louis wins with their shot glass. They are the first stadium we have been in since Shea Stadium that had shot glasses with the stadium name on it. Which is what we wanted from each stadium. Chicago White Sox did not have nor did Philly or Pittsburgh, so we have team shot glasses. Here's hoping Kansas City has some that say Kaufman Stadium.

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