Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Justin's Road Trip By The Numbers Part 1

Hi all, It's the better half of the two here, Justin (don't tell Lina I said that.) I figured I'd chime in on my own during this road trip with a much more "Sports Themed" post. This is probably the only post I'll make with actual sentences. For the most part it will just be quirky little tidbits of information using numbers and a little road trip survival hint. So here we go:

Road Trip By The Numbers:
Approximate Miles Traveled: 670
Approximate Driving Time: 12 hours
Number of Rainstorms encountered: 3
Number of rainstorms that were Thunderstorms: 3
Number of rainstorms that had lightning that made Justin or Lina say "WOAH": 3
Number of White Castle stops: 1
Burgers ate ate White Castle: 4
Estimated Weather for next game (temp/rain chance): 80/10%
Percentage of shower heads Justin has been taller than: 100%

Travel Tip:
If you hotel room doesn't have a fridge, fill the sink with ice (but leave the drain open so water doesn't fill the bowl. It's an old-school style fridge!


  1. Awesome tip dude! And if you have lots of stuff that needs to be cold, you can fill the tub with ice.

    ~ JB

  2. Another Tip: Check the Fridge Prior to Departing Hotel, so you do not forget the almost full bottle of Rum at the Hotel. Left an extra tip for the maid in Hotel in New York! :(
