Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Stupid Hotel Internet!

Ok, so the hotel internet was not working last night, so I could not tell you about our exciting Chicago adventure! So, I apologize for this being a little late. And I also apologize for not having a photo of perhaps the coolest vendor on the planet. More on him later.

First, we arrived very close to first pitch due to rush hour traffic, construction and a Consuela (our GPS) being a little bit crazy with the directions. So we pretty much went right to our seats. Which were taken by a large group of people, so we went up a little higher. No big deal, we could see more of the field anyhow. And were further from other people, which made me happy. We later discovered that these seat stealers had not only taken 2, but at least 6 seats that were not theirs. I have decided this is a large breech of stadium etiquette. If there is only 1 additonal person in your party, it is acceptable to sit in the best seats and pray no one comes to kick you out. If there are 6+ extra, and about 20 empty rows up top, you go and sit up top and if no one shows by the second inning in the other seats, then you are free to move down. Don't steal my seat because you didn't buy your tickets all at once or you wanted to sit in row 9 instead of 22.

It did work out in the end though, because it started to rain and since we were up higher, we were under the little roof. The people who stole our seats came scrambling up, soaking wet, to sit higher than us. As it should have been. We later moved over about 5 sections to sit up high were no other humans were. Since the seat stealers were rather annoying human beings.

So, the awesome vendor? He was selling Margaritas! They were in a pack on his back! He had a hose to put them into a cup and sell them to you. Best vendor ever. He stopped to pose for a pick with a pink hatter in the next section over, so I did not want to ask him to pose because that would be pink hatter-like and I don't do that. So I was waiting for a time when I could take a sneak photo of him. Time never came. Sorry folks.

The White Sox lost, but did make a good effort in the 9th, loading the bases and bringing the winning run to the plate. It was a good game all-around, though I would have expected Mr. Buehrle to have pitched a bit better than he did. All around a fun adventure. We have several awesome photos which are not on this blog. You will be able to find them on Facebook later.

We started our day with a trip to Fifth Third Stadium (named after a bank, which is apparently a little confused about math...kinda scary), which is where the Mudhens play. This is a photo of the entrance, which was pretty darn cool-looking.

Off to St. Louis now. Here's hoping the game doesn't get rained out. 50% chance of thunderstorms at game time... :-(

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